
P1010047 P1010034 P1010035  Traffic stopped due to disabled horse trailer P1010037
P1010038 P1010046  The Museum P1010041 P1010042
P1010043 P1010044 P1010045 P1010048
20141004 145501 P1010049 P1010052 P1010050
StantonPig  You'd have to have been there..... P1010054 P1010055 P1010056
P1010057 P1010060  Vintage Hawg P1010059 20141004 145229(0)  Fuel tank art
20141004 145340 P1010061 P1010063  Beautiful French and German stained glass panels 20141004 150005
20141004 155906  The viewing starts at 6 PM P1010064 20141004 155729 P1010067
P1010066 P1010068  C-5, C-6 and C-7 ! P1010069  Not all Corvettes are red P1010070  Paparrazzi....   everywhere you go!
P1010072  Texting while doing ballet.   Nice plie! P1010076 20141004 161049 P1010077  Programming the drone
P1010078 P1010079  Up she goes! P1010080 20141004 162608
20141004 161334 20141004 161133 20141004 160820 20141004 161119
20141004 162553  Confucius say:   Lady aviatrix who fly upside down..... 20141004 161230  .....must surely have crack-up! P1010082 P1010083
P1010084 P1010085 P1010086 P1010087
P1010088 20141004 182553 20141004 182538  Happy Birthday, Steve-O! 20141004 182546
20141004 191959  The after-party at the Moores' 20141004 191800  We jammin', mon 20141004 191343 G0017514  DCIM\999GOPRO
G0017562  DCIM\999GOPRO