1,  2025
Poker run to Ojai.
Interested In Membership?  We Welcome New Members!!

Our meetings keep members current on club news, events, and other Corvette related news and events. An activity generally follows each meeting, along with a planned dinner. These events also give us the opportunity to enjoy our cars, other members cars, and the camaraderie of the general membership

Annual membership fees for new and returning members:

  • $50 per household--includes two household members
  • Additional Members: $10 per year
  • $25 for single membership
  • There is a nominal "Initial Membership" charge
Applications are available at our monthly club meetings or by selecting the link below:

Renewals are due by the 1st Saturday in February.

Owning a Corvette is NOT a requirement of membership and Vintage Corvettes is not a member of NCCC.